It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Witney Carnival 2010 on behalf of the Rotary Club of Witney.

Carnival day is a fun time for everyone. It is an opportunity for family, friends and neighbours to meet and have a chat, while enjoying the many entertainments and attractions that make the carnival such a success.

Today the people of Witney and district come together to celebrate our community, as they have in increasing numbers in recent years. The buzz of the street procession and the happy ambiance of the Leys are defining features of carnival day.

Rotary is happy to organise the annual carnival in partnership with co-operating local organisations. We all recognise the enjoyment it gives to so many people. Witney Carnival also helps to raise funds for Rotary for wide range of charitable activities in Witney and further afield throughout the year. Your spending today will help others in need.

In the past year the Rotary Club of Witney has organised its ever-popular senior citizens concert, a Kids' day out for youngsters with disabilities, a Christmas concert and a public-speaking competition for local schools.

A street collection raised more than £900 for a prostate cancer charity and a generous response from the local community enabled five Shelter Boxes to be sent to Haiti to help victims of the earthquake.

Support was also provided to the Maggie’s (Cancer Caring) Centre at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, Cecily’s Fund for work with orphans in Zambia, for maternity care in Malawi and for the community in Belarus.

Essential help and support was given to a number of individuals and families in Witney.

Internationally, Rotary is seeking to create a world free from polio, by eliminating the last few remaining pockets of the disease. It is supported in this by the Gates Foundation.

We could not complete this program of giving without your generous help.

Today sees the successful completion of 12 months of work and planning for Witney Carnival 2010 and we are immensely grateful to the committee of volunteers, who have made it all possible. Our thanks also go to those who provided sponsorship in these difficult financial times.

Thank you for joining us at Witney Carnival 2010! Have a great time, tell your family and friends (if they aren’t here with you) and please plan to come again next year, rain or shine!

Brian Ford
Rotary Club of Witney

Visit the website for news and photographs of all the latest Witney Rotary Club activities